Is the FlexTIP Worth the Cost?

“Why should I buy one of your FlexTIPs for $19.99 when I can get a regular tip for $2.50 to $3.50?” 

Walking Cane Replacement Tips Price comparison

We are often asked this. It is an excellent question, so let’s explore and provide some answers.

Traditional walking cane tips consist of two components - (1) a piece of rubber with a (2) molded in metal washer in the bottom of the ID that supports the cane.  It is like a ‘rubber bumper’ that offers minimal cushioning and provides virtually no adjustment as the cane tilts or the surface slopes.  Consequently, regular old-fashioned rubber tips can wear out quickly as they wear on the edges and they do not alleviate pain caused by the repetitive impact of the cane striking the ground from being transferred to the hand.  OUCH!  If you want a larger hunk of rubber on the bottom of your cane, you can spend about $13 and get one that may also help unstop a clogged toilet by the way it looks. (See pic above.) 

Our FlexTIP consists of nine components. 

These components enable the FlexTIP to: (1) Smoothly Pivot in any direction, while having (2) ‘Infinite Rotation’ with (3) ‘ride-smoothing’ Shock-Absorption

With the FlexTIP design:

  • Wear is Minimized
  • Stability is Maximized
  • Pain is Exorcised

When the ‘horseless carriage’ was introduced, some made the argument that you could get six covered wagons for the cost of one horseless carriage! Of course, that is not a fair comparison as it fails to recognize the transformative nature of motorized vehicles. 

When power steering was first introduced to the automobile, many people did not like it. It felt dramatically different even though it made it much easier & fun to steer a vehicle.  Today, no one would consider an automobile without power steering. FlexTIPs are a similar transformation for walking canes, providing a shock-absorbing rotating-ankle function and a ‘sea-change’ improvement in stability, comfort and Confidence in Walking. 

The FlexTIP is a quantum leap forward in mobility technology making it difficult to imagine a cane without a FlexTIP in the future.  Here is how one of our customers put it...

"I had been going through a can tip every couple of weeks.
Was skeptical about the price being too high... However, I have used it for two months now and it has not worn out. The fact it spins and bends means less wear and tear on bottom of the tip. The mechanism is very solid...  Understatement alert: I am impressed."  Read on Amazon

A FlexTIP will outlast a standard cane tip many times over. How long they last for you depends on how you walk. FlexTIPs are an excellent value when compared on durability alone.  Throw in the added benefits of Comfort & Safety, there is no better value for a cane tip!

 There are three style FlexTIPs for walking cane plus one for crutches & one for hiking/trekking poles!   Shop Now!

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