The FlexSTICK Company
STABILITY - The FlexTIP-TLC articulates 360˚ in all directions, keeping the bottom of the tip flat on the walking surface as the angle of the cane changes. This is the ONLY tip that provides BOTH shock absorption and full articulation. Fits all standard size walking canes (3/4" diameter shafts).
COMFORT - The FlexTIP's shock absorption alleviates pain in the hand, wrist, arm & shoulder caused by the repetitive impact of the cane striking the ground, while also giving you significantly increased stability as the tip constantly adjusts to the ground and cane tilting.
COMFORT - The TLC is a True Freestanding cane...i.e. (Not for commercials only.) The strong base is made with high-strength fiber reinforced plastic and has a footprint size of 5", tip to tip. Got a quad-cane? You likely HATE it. Get a FlexTIP-TLC and LOVE IT!
Regular price
$ 22.50
Sale price
$ 29.99
Tripod Base Tip for Standard Walking Canes - Shock Absorbing / Pivots 360˚ & STANDS...Yes, it really stands!
COMFORT - The FlexTIP's shock absorption alleviates pain in the hand, wrist, arm & shoulder caused by the repetitive impact of the cane striking the ground, while also giving you significantly increased stability as the tip constantly adjusts to the ground and cane tilting.
COMFORT - The TLC is a True Freestanding cane...i.e. (Not for commercials only.) The strong base is made with high-strength fiber reinforced plastic and has a footprint size of 5", tip to tip. Got a quad-cane? You likely HATE it. Get a FlexTIP-TLC and LOVE IT!
Weighs 8.7 oz. Patented Design. Adds 2.5" to cane height
Works extremely well on uneven ground. Tried other quad adapters but this on allows for grip on all surfaces even if the ground is not level. Also stands the cane upright when not in use.
M. Maier, Wyoming - Verified Amazon Purchase CLICK HERE for Amazon Reviews
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